#SecondChanceMasterpiece: Shark Tank - Prison Edition This life-changing event started out as a few words on a whiteboard in a cubicle back in 2018. We were brainstorming what kind of course project would be of the greatest benefit to the Illinois state prisoners taking the fourth course in our Transformational Rhythms Program called: Organizational Integrity - … [Read More...]
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Remembering Jessica
Oh, Jess, my sweet little Zoobie girl, me and mom, your brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, grandparents, cousins, nephews, soon-to-be-nieces and close friends … [Read More...]
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We DON’T Know How THEIR Story Ends
I am not a big TV watcher, but so many people recommended the series This is Us to me, that I felt like I had to watch it just to be relevant. I am unavailable when … [Read More...]
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A Legacy of Struggle
I remember watching the TV sitcom Alice in the mid 70s when I was growing up. I watched it a few times a week for many years. An actor named Vic Tayback played Mel Sharpels, the owner of a greasy spoon diner in Phoenix. One of the episodes I can still remember … [Read More...]

Direction/Guidance <--> Courage/Discipline
Direction/Guidance <--> Courage/Discipline We all are faced with decisions every day - some of them minor, some profoundly major. I have been immersed in the high school, college, young adult scene for a while now, and that age range has a … [Read More...]

2016 Global Leadership Summit – My Summary
This is my personal summary of the 2016 Global Leadership Summit in Chicago. A dozen business and outreach leaders spoke on the topic of Leadership. I have organized my summary into three sections: Top Three Quotes from each speaker, One Minute Summary of … [Read More...]

Not Having the Right Title for Influencing People
I was having a peer-to-peer mentoring call last night with a couple of guys I have known for many years. One of the topics discussed was how we are all good at playing various “roles” that come our way in life. One guy was sharing that when he plays a “host” or … [Read More...]

Good Advice from Graduating High School Seniors
We had our “moving-on” ceremony for the graduating high school seniors in our youth group last night. We dedicated part of the night to honoring them, looking back on their last seven years in student community, and tapping their brains for advice to the you … [Read More...]